Beginner - Intermediate • Strength • 12-Week Program
PWR Fusion
If you are looking for a blend of PWR and PWR At Home, Kelsey’s 12-week PWR Fusion program is for you! This program is designed to build overall strength and lean muscle, with targeted workouts for particular muscle groups.

I’m Kelsey Wells, creator of the PWR programs and Redefine Fitness. I’ve been a certified personal trainer since 2016, am also certified in pre and postnatal fitness, and I want all women to feel self-acceptance and empowerment with my strength training programs.
12-week program
30-45 minute workouts
Four weekly workouts
Targeted muscle group splits
Build strength and muscle
Program Overview
PWR Fusion is perfect for intermediate fitness levels who have access to a gym or a good home set-up, but it can also be modified for beginners or those who only have access to a set of dumbbells.
Kelsey is passionate about designing workout programs which you can tailor to your own needs and goals while building your physical and emotional strength and says PWR Fusion can meet you where you’re at.
In Block 1 (weeks 1-6), there are three 30-45 minute strength training workouts each week to target and strengthen different muscle groups across your upper and lower body, plus an optional fourth core workout and weekly cardio sessions.
Each workout follows a format that includes muscle activation, pyramids, trisets, supersets and burnouts, but the formatting is more condensed than PWR or PWR At Home.
In Block 2 (weeks 7-12), you’ll dial up the intensity as you continue to build strength with three targeted workouts, following the same format as Block 1, plus a new optional leg-day session!
Your weekly workout breakdown consists of:
Glutes & Hamstrings
Back & Shoulders
Chest & Triceps
Abs (introduced in block 1, optional)
Legs (introduced in block 2, optional)
Your weekly workouts in block 1 include:
Glutes & Hamstrings
Back & Shoulders
Chest & Triceps
Abs (optional)
Your weekly workouts in block 2 include:
Glutes & Hamstrings
Back & Shoulders
Chest & Triceps
Legs (optional)
If you’re familiar with Kelsey’s training style and other programs, PWR Fusion follows the same structure as her popular PWRful You Sweat Challenge program, while incorporating fan-favourite elements from PWR and PWR At Home.
What you’ll need
Access to a gym or a great range of home equipment will help you to get the most out of PWR Fusion, but if you have limited access to equipment or are building your confidence, you can make adjustments to complete each workout with dumbbells. The full range of equipment used in PWR Fusion includes:


Weight Plate

Squat Rack


Bench/Bench Alternative


Long Resistance Band

Recovery Band
